"Tony Stark, visionary, genius, American patriot, since childhood the son of the legendary arms manufacturer caught his attention with his brilliant mind, at age 4 he made his first circuit board, at 6 his first engine and at 17 He graduated with honors from MIT.

But then, a titan died, His lifelong friend, Obadiah Stane, filled the hole left by the founder, until at age 21, the prodigal son returns and is named CEO of Stark Industries, with the keys of the kingdom he introduces a new era, creating smarter weapons, advanced robots, satellite location.

Today, Tony Stark has changed the face of the armament, securing freedom and protecting EE: UU ​​and its interests around the world. "

This is iron man, a man who has no limits but who no doubt stopped being an arms race to help the most oppressed, a big and heavy responsibility, a visionary mind with the resources that only in the right hands can serve in the right way .

Oppressed all over the world, pain and wars for interests, what would iron man do? Where is Tony Stark ?, He does not exist and the hope of many could die.

Summer of 1989, 6 years and no doubt is a common child, has not built a circuit board, much less armed a motor, there is nothing more than floors like many of his age, fun and games, what is special ?, A heart full of passion, that has and for the moment that is enough, even that life does not play good passes often.

It is July and the heat is intense and humid 30 ° with a probability of increase, that day the clear blue sky was only noticed the intensity of its color, with a pleasant wind, at least it seemed to that small, in his mind not there was more than the idea of ​​going out and riding a bicycle, calling a friend and spending the afternoon, suddenly his mother calls him.

- Come eat love.
- I'm going ma.

The little one enters the small house of two 4x4 rooms to him it seemed, great even though it was not like that, between the wooden walls eaten by the moth and the laminated ceiling sitting in the dining room of 6 chairs of which they only used 3, he did not see more details than his plate of food, rice with chicken and vegetables his favorite, while he ate, his father was in the other room, a brilliant man with studies in engineering but without great aspirations, discussed with his wife a woman who did not finish her studies but was visionary in all aspects.

Both were in discussion for something meaningless, the father not being pleased by the course of the fight goes to the dining room to lash out with the child for a task that did not end, a simple excuse to release their frustration which ends with scolding insults and the odd blow to the head of the child, unable to defend himself cries for helplessness and hurt feelings, now his favorite food to be delicious ended up feeling bitter in his mouth and stomach, the mother complains why this action towards the little one and they continue with their fight for a new reason.

The little one once outside and with tears in his eyes does not understand why the man he admires and wants to be as smart as he is, does not show him the affection that he longs to receive and apparently he will never understand it even if the years go by.

Once calm and seeing as the cups of the trees of the continuous property are coming, he comes to an idea, runs by paper and pencil, a spark has arisen in his mind, something that he never imagined and that he has not seen, enters through the back window of the house stealthily while your parents continue to argue, take what you need and leave for the same place, run to a quiet place where they will not disturb you from outside the house and start to draw your idea, with the details accurate you can and annotations that come to your mind.

A little more than an hour passed, the little one finishes his idea, a design of a suit to which he wrote leather material against the air, an aerodynamic helmet similar to those of the current speed skaters with the difference that he has a mask that opens and closes and finally a pair of twin rockets, like those of the movie "rocketeer" that premiered years later, but its interior design looked more like an ion engine, with gas charges as fuel, the child sees his idea plastered and smiles, when he hears that his parents are still arguing, what he says by erasing his big smile, they will never believe that my idea works, the little boy closes his notebook and bends his head.

